Hello friends! Summer is officially upon us and that means something different for each of us.
For some of you, summer means graduation from seminary and the beginning of life as a full-time minister. For some of you, summer means family vacations and VBS and camps and mission trips. For some of you, summer means the end of Eastertide and an upcoming period of relaxing into the Great Green Growing Sundays of the church year (as we used to call them in the Godly Play classes I taught). For some of you, summer simply means that you are burning up and sweating all of the time.
For me, summer means that my house has become noisier and more full of movement than it had been during the day since we moved to Abilene in January. I'd gotten used to the quiet of the mornings when my kids went off to school and my husband went downtown to work and I settled in for computer work or creative work or Biblical study or prayer. I had gotten used to lunches on my own while watching an episode of a sitcom to give my mind a break and a little laughter. I had developed a habit of productive afternoons where tasks were finished and household needs were attended to and getting it all summed up nicely before the family returned home from their days away. I loved the rhythm I was creating for myself and am so thankful for a job that allows this kind of ownership and empowerment.
But now it is summer.
And now there are teenage voices and laughter and questions and dances and baking smells and laundry noises and yo-yo tricks and unexpected hugs all swirling about me while I'm working. (Seriously, my 13-year old son just swooped through the dining room and gave me a super big hug and a quick "I love ya!" before swooping back out and on to his next interest.) And I love all the changes, but in a summer kind of way. Flexibility and sunshine, but also an end in sight so that I can soak up the moments and not get frustrated that the progress isn't working out exactly as planned or that my work space has transformed into the cake decorating surface or that I have to take and pick kids up from 1,6274 events a week.
I wonder what summer means to you and how you are making time and space for rest, rejuvenation, and inspiration amidst the challenges that a change in seasons brings.
I'll be at the CBF General Assembly in Atlanta at the end of this month and TXBWIM will have a booth at the BGCT/Texas Baptists Convention in McAllen in mid-July. If you are planning to be at either of those events, I hope you will connect with me and tell me about how your summer is going and where you see God at work in your ministry setting.
Or maybe you are looking for a way to get connected with TXBWIM right now and from right where you are. I invite you to become a member and join our members-only FB group called Leaning In that is dedicated to helping one another in our current ministry contexts and in real-time. You can find info about how to join here.
I also invite you all to visit our newly redesigned website and see what TXBWIM is up to. We've got upcoming area conferences in Houston and Plainview and if you are within driving distance, I really hope that you will come. Our teams have been working on truly unique and worthwhile events that will affirm your calling, inspire you to follow God's leadership in your life, and connect you with other women (and men!) who are in ministry in your area of Texas. (Bonus thought on membership: If you become a TXBWIM member, you get to attend one area conference a year for free!!)
Whatever part of Texas you are in and whatever ministry context you have followed God into, I pray blessings of peace and abundant joy on each of you as you minister in the name of the One who gives us the freedom to love ourselves holistically and courage to boldly love those whom we serve.
Reverend Jill Hudson